STA stands for Second Time Around, an upscale consignment shop. My first trip into one was with my mom, post soccer game. My cleats tapped across the floor (as they do) and I was covered in mud, but I was enchanted. The stores are all set up beautifully, organized to show off the designer goodies they re-sell. Walking around, it feels very upscale. Despite my less than classy attire on my first visit to a STA store, I walked out with an awesome red GAP Corduroy jacket at half off. My luck has held since then, which is a wonderful, wonderful, theme. Yay for 50% off!
And when Kitty and I went to Newbury street earlier this week, we visited and window shopped the three locations along both sides of the street. And that makes this the perfect time to write a post about this awesome, ever-changing business!
(this picture is from the website)
The way STA does pricing is, in addition to the already reduced prices, they put the different colored tags in different categories based on how long the item has been in the store.
There are racks upon racks of beautiful clothes in amazing condition. The sweater section in particular always tempts me quite thoroughly... I have a bit of a sweater problem... There's just something special about being enveloped in soft, warm, occaisonally fuzzy sweaters, especially during rough New England winters!
If you're looking for something with a little sparkle, every store has a couple of cases and displays with loads of bling.
Or maybe you have a bit of a handbag habit? I bought my two favorite purses here (each for 50% off, have I mentioned my awesome luck in STA? mwahaha #bragging), one of which I had with me as we were shopping (which you can see in my post about Newbury Street, linked above in the second paragraph)!
The amount of shoes in these shops is enough to put hearts in the eyes of even the most enthusiastic of shopoholics...
... a category I fell into while we were there. Lucky for me my half off theme held and I walked out with a lovely pair of J. Crew heels!
These stores are especially fun because you can discover new treasures every time you go in and none of it is alike. I find this exciting, but I can understand the frustration of finding the perfect item that you've been searching for seemingly forever... only to find it in the wrong size.
But! If you're going just for fun, without anything specific in mind, you can really be pleased by what you take home with you! You should definitely check it out if your in the mood for happy surprises!