You know what is a necessity after an hour or two of moving and unpacking? Some piping hot fried deliciousness. I was easily convinced off campus by the logic that it would be my last non-BC meal in the near future. So, off I drove with my parents to my first Shake Shack experience!
Shake Shack started as a food cart in Madison Square Park and generated a very loyal following. They were eventually able to acquire a permanent home in the Park and have been serving fresh, simple, high-quality noms (as they hashtag below) ever since.
Oh my. First of all, the wall by the door is covered in the menu. It is written in a chalkboard-esque manner and looks very cool. It's also easy to read, a plus in the somewhat overwhelming line! The rest of the indoors is very industrial in design- a mix of dark metals, stained wood, and bare lights.
pretty cool, huh?
Anyways, we didn't go to Shake Shack for for the decor, regardless of how cool it is. I waited with baited breath for the plastic device (What is it called? Does it even have a name?) to light up and vibrate its way across the table.
After what felt like years (just so you know, telling me that my meal is "so close you can taste it" just made me more impatient and hungry!), I half-ran, half-skipped to the pick up counter. To give you an idea of how quickly I did so, a few other orders had to be handed out before mine was delivered safely into my eager arms!
They have a liquor license so my dad was a happy camper! His germanic bloodline means he drinks beer like water... while my mom and I stick to diet coke!
I ordered a side of fries for the three of us. While they were good, when compared to the rest of the food they were found lacking. Personally, I like my fries a little bit more floppy (like the Clover truck ones Kitty and I shared!) so these crispies weren't my favorites.
My superstar was the 'Shroom Burger- portobello mushroom stuffed with two different cheeses, breaded, and fried. I'm in love.
Just a close up, look at all that cheese!
Hey mom, if you ever feel like catching up over lunch...